Hi there,
Just taking a mini break from creating tags and tut writing today. While blog hopping I was in awe at all the talent out there who create the most amazing layouts! Looking at blog after blog all I kept mumbling was “I wanna do that some day!”
HUGE kudos to all you layout artists out there - your work is truly amazing as well as inspiring!
I decided to have a go at it. The page ideas are 80% from the blogs I visited just so I can get a feel of how page layouts work….and I sooooooo enjoyed doing this! Although I’m sure the sizes of everything are way off, I’ll be honest…..today I don’t care!…I had fun making them and will learn correctly over time.
So have a peek into my world at my husband, daughter, son, and grandson, and myself.

Kit used:
Out to Sea by
Independance by
Kit used:
Singing in the Rain by
Spring Garden by
Kit used:
Fairytale Forest by